Channelling has increased in both awareness and popularity over recent years. I think of it as an umbrella term as there are many different ways and uses for it. I can share with you my own definition and understanding of it....
Channelling itself is as old as the hills. From our earliest ancestors people have connected deeply, through various means, with 'helpful' vibrations and consciousnesses outside of themselves.
Shamans, adepts, religious icons, and rare gifted individuals were looked upon with awe and wonder as they bought through the voice and energy of evolved spirits. One of the great wonders of the world we live in today is that all of us can become channels, should we desire to do so, and learn safe protocols. How can this be?
The frequency of the Earth, and therefore ourselves, has shifted massively in recent years. It is far higher now, which allows greater freedom and access of 'moving' through vibrations, allowing connection with souls and energy that do not have physical form. We are also in the midst of a vast raising of consciousness generally, a global phenomena affecting us all - whether we are aware of it or not.
It is a common knowing these days that we are all natural healers, we simply need to rediscover how. I feel it is the same with Channelling. It is a part of us, a connection to soul and source outside our physical selves. There are good reasons why we do not all walk around wide open (energetically) - Channelling anything and everything! Impossible to keep a grip on our reality and perhaps even personality. It can be hazardous to our physical well being too. We are designed to have boundaries and barriers, to move past these we do so with care and respect for both our energy and that of which we intend to connect with. Intention is everything and is all important to Channelling.
I Channelled naturally as a child, however this was before I learnt how to take care of my energy management and boundaries. A dense (low) energy could, and would, channel through me as easily as a lighter (higher) vibration. Very confusing and scary. It felt a violation, I didn't go looking for these experiences or call them to me consciously. The last thing I wanted to do or be was Channel! After receiving energetic help from the age of 12 and further mediumship training, it was noticed I was a natural Trance Medium. It was still seen as a rarity then and I was encouraged to learn the art, something that at the time took a lot of discipline and focus of mind, body and soul. At the time it felt a burden and something I still did not enjoy, mainly as there was a constant background fear. The feeling of being controlled, to give myself over completely to another energy, did not sit well with me. It lay dormant for many years in my skill set toolbox. After addressing and healing the fear and shame the supernatural experiences of my childhood had left behind I found Channelling such a different experience from before. Developments came quickly, and it is for sure a time in my life synchronicities and guidance pushed me quickly and relatively easily past my comfort zone and I became known as an out-of-body Channeller.
Out-of-body means I move my consciousness out of my body (as much as possible, some needs to remain to work the automatic responses of the physical body) to allow higher vibrational energy, such as Zac, to take residence and use my body as their own. This means my voice, body movements, and face become quite different. I cannot control this. If you have not heard me Channel Zac before you'll hear an almost Indian accent rather than my Essex accent. He says he uses the accent to remind people we are all things, never just one. He may be wearing the personality of Zac who lived in Syria but uses the voice of another of his lives in northern India, possibly Tibet. On a personal note I have always been concerned of possibly offending people, however Zac laughs at me and says I worry too much, and after all this is him not me. Many people comment on how hearing his voice is like the soothing salve of a long forgotten voice of your oldest kindest friend. I hope you find this the case for you too.
There are a couple of absolutes I stand by when it comes to Channelling...
We only channel energy lighter, therefore 'higher', than ourselves (nothing of vibrational resonance 'lower' than spirit guide level)...
We take responsibility for our energy management, health and well being...
Everything else is up for negotiation!
For the last decade I have Channelled 'Zac' more than any other higher energy / vibration. A wise, joyful, funny and loving higher being consciousness. For those Channelling often it can be useful to develop a pairing with one or more compatible higher energies, this makes it easier to blend with each other during Channelling. Many Channellers are aligned with whole groups of higher beings and consciousnesses. Zac being a very 'high' consciousness seems to be part of a broad spectrum of light energy and we refer to his 'team' all around him that also 'sit' within the same vibrational spectrum.
Zac and I have run regular Channelling Workshops since 2012 for personal development, and for the pure joy of them. I am looking forward to when we can reinstate these, I know many of you are waiting to attend, it has been challenging not hosting these during lockdown however he tells me constantly 'Patience!'. Zac currently feels it is in everyone's best interest to wait until in-person workshops are able to safely go ahead again, the energy being a bit too turbulent and unsettling for on-line training regarding Channelling presently.
I am also looking forward to re-instating the twice yearly Channelling Extravaganzas. When these first started, created to allow those who enjoyed the Channelling workshops to come together for further practice and personal development, I called it a Retreat. I soon learnt these would be anything but a quiet slow retreat! We all came away full of life and laughter and recounting mind-boggling amazing experiences.... a classic 'retreat' it was not though! And so 'Extravaganzas' they became, a word far more in-keeping with the energy and life of these events.
There is never a dull moment in the world of a Channeller, or indeed in the world of anyone who takes the plunge and learns safely how to Channel lighter energy for themselves, and possibly others too.
You may wish to discover the vast amount of FREE Channelled recordings at our Patreon site, Zac's Portal. Hazel Newton talks regularly to Zac, no topic is off the table. You will see there is also a members subscription site, with monthly gems of Zac Deep Dive talks and restorative, transformative, Zac Meditations. Join for a month and see what you think, we purposely have not added a period of time contract so that all who wish to join can do so with very little commitment. Take a look... Patreon
Presently I am in the midst of writing with Zac. He suggested he Channels some books to me a number of years ago now, he has regularly reminded me gently and not so gently since then! We are knuckling down together and I hope to be able to tell you more about these soon.