The words 'Personal Development' get banded around alot these days. We are living through a year like no other in living memory, we are all undertaking extra and unexpected stresses, life changes, and feelings of perhaps not being in control of our own lives and indeed our destiny. In nature threats on survival, or when environmental change create pressure, magic happens - evolution takes place.
For nature this is natural, it is constantly and consistently evolving. As human beings we find change usually quite difficult, studies have shown changes viewed as positive or good can often be just as difficult as those viewed as negative or bad. We like things to stay the same, perhaps from a deeper desire for safety and security. We all know the saying 'better the devil you know'... or is it really better?
Personal Development brings opportunities to evolve within ourselves. Self discovery, healing, transformation. Even more buzz words for you there! In truth personal development isn't always a bed of roses. It pushes us to grow. Yes we learn about ourselves, more importantly we learn how to be free of our past, our wounds and beliefs which keep us in the shadows.
We may learn new skills and abilities, find new like-minded and like-hearted friends. We may even really like the person we become!
There are many heroes and heroines out there, I am sure you can think of many people in the world you admire or perhaps aspire to be like. Become your own hero / heroine, there is one inside you for sure, even if you don't let them take centre stage very often!
Channelling workshops provide a place for many things, personal development is the goal of many who attend. Whilst these are on hold, soon to return when current restrictions allow, please enjoy the Channelled offerings on Patreon.
Shifting Realities is the name of the game... dream big and come and play!